Sensation from Ford – Americans are going to show the new generation supercar GT. And, as assures edition AutoExpress, new GT will have the hybrid engine. Certainly, at creation of new generation Ford GT designers will constantly look towards old GT 60th years of the last century which throughout several years was the king of 24-hours of races in La Manche. However from the past founders takes only ideology – middle- uncompromising supercar. And here all stuffing, certainly, will be modern. It is expected that the third generation of Ford GT will receive system of accumulation energy at braking. It will be analog of formular system KERS – from time to time the driver can pressing on the button to do the car much more powerfully. Total capacity of the petrol motor (most likely, V8) and the electric motor, it's not known yet. In AutoExpress assume that it is a question about 600 h.p. And if to consider that the car will weigh all about 1400 kg it will turn out that on each ton of weight here it is necessary 430 h.p. Not the most bad indicator, by the way.
History of creation Ford GT
As it isn't strange, but one of the legendariest sport cars of 20 centuries is obliged by the birth to the conflict which has inflamed between two legendarier characters – Enzo Ferrari and Henry Ford. In 1962 Ferrari has decided to sell company belonging to it, than has very much interested Henry Ford. However, Ferrari demanded for itself special powers concerning Scuderia Ferrari, and Americans have almost satisfied its requirement, but all were spoiled by one point of the contract. Ford concern allocated Ferrari 250 000 dollars in a year for the maintenance of a formular command, but in case of excess of expenses demanded from Ferrari "without fail to coordinate additional expenditure with Ford management". This point of the contract has for some reason infuriated Enzo Ferrari and on May, 20th, 1963, he not only refused to sign the contract with Ford but also has arranged the American delegation the present rating, using, on attestations of eyewitnesses, such words and expressions which couldn't be found in one dictionary.
After the despised American delegation has returned to the USA, in not smaller fury Henry Ford has come also. However to this business it was not limited, and he has decided to teach a good lesson Ferrari Enzo. It was only one way to do this– to beat Ferrari cars on racing lines. Henry Ford has contacted owner Lola Cars Eric Broadley and has suggested it to be engaged in working out of the car of class GT for participation in 24 hour marathon in Le Mans. Broadley agreed and by April, 1964 has constructed the first pre-series prototype equipped with the motor Ford V8 4.2 l. As the car height made forty inches the car has received name Ford GT40. Then the car was equipped with the seven-liter motor capacity of 485 h.p. and have sent to spend "developing attack" to the American racing championships where it became at once the indisputable favourite. And in 1966 Ford GT40, under control of Bruce MacLaren and Chris has crushed Ferrari in Le Mans.
Ford GT40 became one of the most successful sport cars for all world autosports history and consequently in 1995 Ford management has started to consider prospects of creation the second generation of this car. At first has appeared concept Ford GT90, and in 2001 the decision to begin working out rear-motor Ford GT sport car which first prototype was ready in a year. And in 2003, by 100-year-old anniversary of Ford company, it has been made three pre-series copies of Ford GT.
As well as in a case with Ford GT40, its successor was a product of the American-British cooperation. The six-step manual transmission was developed by English company Ricardo, active participation in chassis adjustment was accepted by engineers Lotus Cars, the engine – 5,4 liter compressor "eight" capacity of 550 h.p. (678 Nm), manually assembled the masters of Roush company, final assembly of the chassis, bodies, wheels and a wiring layer pad tuning studio Saleen, and completely the car was carried out on Ford factory. Ford GT batch production started in June, 2004 – in day was issued nine sport cars. The car exchanged first hundred for 3,8 sec and developed the maximum speed 330 km/h (it is limited by electronics). But Ford GT could go and faster – so on proving ground Nardo it was dispersed to 340,93 km/h.
For two years was produced 4038 Fords GT most part of which has been sold in the North America and only 101 cars has got to Europe. And though Ford GT hasn't achieved such outstanding successes as its legendary ancestor, the car successfully enough participated and till now participates in many competitions.